Click Here to see Dick's Visit to the BVI

My good friend Gerard has been a fabulous resource and overall good buddy. He has lived down here for several years, and adds a wonderful craziness to all thats happening. He has introduced me to many wonderful people, including Dorene who publishes an island restaurant guide and who is also a super pastry chef (a good person to know especially if you like to eat!!). Gerard's friend Dick recently came down from Maine for a visit, and he, Gerard, Dorene and I went sailing on Bel Ami for a few days. Dick fell in love with the area. I expect he'll soon be back. Aside from being station manager for the local NPR radio station, Gerard is a professional photographer. Clicking on the above link brings you to some very nice pictures of the islands, as well as the Bel Ami. Enjoy!!!

Dick and Dorene with me on Sandy Cay

Click Here for Views from Top of Yost Van Dyke

On September 3, 2007, I hiked up to the top of Yost Van Dyke, one of the many very cool places in the BVI. White Bay on this island is one of my daughter Sarah's favorite places in the world. The hike up to the top is brutal in the heat and humidity, but well worth the trek! Plan to have good hiking shoes and bring plenty of water!