Hurricane Dean

Hurricane Dean began in the South East Atlantic just west of the coast of Africa and slowly made its way across the Atlantic, building up strength. When it was over 1000 miles from St. Thomas, it was predicted to hit the region of the Virgin Islands. I was originally to visit my parents in NY this past weekend, but canceled those plans to prepare the Bel Ami for a hurricane hit. This involved taking off all canvas and shades, taking down the foresail, and making 6 large dock lines with 4 feet of chain at the end of each dock line. The chain was wrapped around large pilings where the boat is docked.

Turns out the hurricane missed the Virgin Islands, with the eye passing about 200 miles south. We experienced rather benign conditions on land, although the seas were incredible, with 10-15 foot waves breaking on shore, and periods of heavy rain. But for the most part, the weather remained sunny and beautiful as always. For more information on Hurricane Dean and other hurricanes, click anywhere on the above picture.
Fair Winds